Smiling Souls Community




Are you a woman in the 40+ age group, juggling the responsibilities of being in the sandwich generation?   

Are you searching to find balance, build connections, and be part of a supportive community to truly thrive?

Look no further.

You are invited to join the Smiling Souls Community. 

In this community you can expect to find:

Support: Connect with women who get it.

A Plan: Receive actionable steps to prioritize your well-being.

Empowerment: Learn from others and foster trust in yourself.

Find joy, happiness, peace, & contentment on your journey to thriving!

Why join?  Benefits of VIP Membership:

  • One Private Session each with Wendy & Stephanie so you can build a better, balanced way to run your life
  • Creative Circle Membership so you indulge in making more space for you by doing more arts and crafts
  • Quarterly Community Support Zoom Calls so you can have a space where it's okay not to be okay
  • Quarterly Thrive Essential Oil Blends so you can tap into ease and flow
  • Members Discount on retreats and special events so you can step back into yourself
  • The Self Care Sanctuary Journal so you can enjoy peace of mind
  • Telegram chat so you can get your how-to's answered to have a path forward
  • Energy reading so you can finally cut the cord and get in touch with your divine self
  • Direct access to professionals who can answer your how-to questions 

Become a VIP Member Today!!!!



VIP membership PIF $888


VIP membership $74.00 monthly


 What others are saying they experienced in the Smiling Souls Community:

'Peace of mind' - Jennifer

'Support and clarity about my own feelings' - Veronique

'Insight on when to get outside help and what that looks like' - Allison 

'Be inspired to remember to care for myself, and thrive' - Stephanie

'Honor the strength you've embraced. It is powerful' -  Amanda

'I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of him' -  Karen


VIP Membership $888 pay in full




VIP Membership $74 Monthly 


One Private Session each with Wendy & Stephanie to have personalized guidance for your specific situation



Creative Circle Membership to

engage in art so that you can grow

both personally and professionally


Quarterly Community Support Zoom Calls

to connect with other women so that you can 

have support and get your how-to questions 



Quarterly Thrive Essential Oil Blends - you will

receive these through the mail so that you can

enjoy and connect to the fragrances that help you

to feel lighter and empowered.

You get access to a Members Discount on retreats and special events


The Self Care Sanctuary Journal with 30 days of

journaling prompts so that you can work out those

feelings of guilt and overwhelm and lean into

peace of mind

Telegram chat so that you have access to

connection and support between our quarterly calls



Energy reading from Wendy so that you can see

what might be getting in your way

Direct access to professionals

who can answer your how-to questions



Not sure if VIP Membership is right for you? 

No problem!  Click here to join us for one community support Zoom call for only $45