Are you trying too hard?
This is what one caregiver said, 'We are all in that chapter of our lives where we are having to deal with aging parents in this particular time and we are all going through things and we are trying to work. I'm still not making the $ that I used to make. It takes a while to get back in the groove. But also I've changed and so it's just a different season of life.'
Can you relate?
In this season of a new year, what would it mean for you to turn 'trying too hard' on its head and instead experience ease and flow?
In that line, I invite you to Click here to take an assessment which will help you assess your caregiving responsibilities, identify areas of concern, and determine your need for support and resources to maintain your well-being while caring for your loved one. So that you are living in ease and flow.
And I also want to introduce you to someone who is a colleague, friend and a resource for my clients. Marlene Stocks of Senior Transition Services, supports families to relocate a loved one with compassion.
I know for a fact that when you have less stuff, you can enjoy more focus & clarity. And so Marlene is sharing her gift of Decluttering Tips for the New Year with us. Feel free to share these with your parents (because let's face it, you'll have to deal with their stuff if they don't)🙀
Wendy Taddeucci
Coach Wendy D.B.A. Simply Organized, LLC
P. O. Box 779
La Porte IN 46352
United States of America