Getting the support you need as a caregiver so that you can get back into being yourself

Join me Live every Thursday at 12 noon CST on my Facebook Page, Coach Wendy.

Click here to like my page.  In fact, join us TOMORROW for my first Facebook Live.

Got a challenge around caring for yourself as you are caring for an aging loved one?  Bring it.

Need some support?  Bring it.

Need some laughs to make you smile and cast your focus on, let's say, you?  Bring it.

See you Thursday.

❤️Coach Wendy


Do you know individuals that are up to their eyeballs trying to cope with caring for an aging loved one?
Through my 1-on-1 coaching, I help individuals to get back into being themselves again.
In fact, my client Lauren had no boundaries around caring for her mother-in-law, was fighting with her husband and was afraid to speak up about how she was feeling.  Through our work together, Lauren is able to speak her truth and stand in her power.  She is enjoying feeling free.  She is also starting to heal from an injured back as a result of picking her mother in law up off the floor.  Since releasing the stress, her back is now finally starting to heal.
Do you know individuals that are up to their eyeballs in caring for an aging loved one and want to get back to being themselves?
Are you the individual who is up to your eyeballs?  I have just what you are looking for.  Click the video to take a look at this.......

Click here  and add your details for your immediate download of the 5 Simple Steps to Get Back to Yourself.



My podcast episode on 2 Boomer Women will be coming soon!

Two Boomer Women is hosted by One Boomer Woman – Agnes Knowles.

During my interview with the dynamic and engaging Agnes, I talk about how you can get back to being yourself as you are up to your eyeballs in caring for an aging parent.

And I believe I also share a couple of experiences with mom that almost everyone who is caring for an aging loved one can laugh with me and relate to.  Be sure to listen to my reference to my mom's 'big girl shoes.'

Support Group - Thursday, October 28th at 4 p.m. CST

If you are either:

  • Up to your eyeballs in caring for an aging loved one and are wanting to get back into being yourself
  • Not yet caring for an aging loved one and know for sure that you want to go into it with a way to keep being yourself

Click here to register as a guest to visit our group!

Full transparency - First visit is on me and then I ask that you commit.   Because when you are all in that's when transformation happens and you get back to being yourself.



Wendy Taddeucci
Coach Wendy D.B.A. Simply Organized, LLC
P. O. Box 779
La Porte IN 46352
United States of America