Tired, frustrated, exhausted?
The holidays are a-lot.

Then you add the layer of your aging parents on top of that?
It's no wonder you find yourself drowning, unable to keep your head above water.
Which is why I'm inviting you to join in for conversation and a mastermind to help you through the holiday stress.
When: Thursday, December 14th from 2-3:30 cst
Where: Zoom!
Investment in lowering your holiday stress: Only $47!
You'll be able to meet and connect with others who are taking care of an aging parent (or they are beginning to worry) to share your overwhelm with a group that gets you.
You will be able to problem solve with the group and I'll be doing some 'sparkle seat' coaching.
What do you think will be different for you after you join in?
Feeling like you aren't alone? Finding the solutions to help make your holidays less stressful and overwhelming?
Click here to join us.
🩷Coach Wendy